Wednesday, June 01, 2011

June One, Two Thousand and Eleven

So... as you can see, i am having a very hard time deciding on a blog template. tis harder than it would seem.

I have been so productive today. you should be proud of me! ^_^

My mum, dad and two little brothers are coming in less than two weeks! I am so thrilled and blessed. To have seen my lovely sister last weekend and to see more family from far away in such a short amount of time is more than i could have hoped for!
The man is at Bible study tonight. Ean is freshly bathed and fast asleep in his bed.

I am listening to my story: The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas and enjoying my clean and quiet house... and feeling a tish sick.

Look ma, I'm knitting!! *grin*... it has actually become a little bit of a thing with me, i even attempted a dishcloth with a basket weave stitch and it turned out great! (pictures to come). Guess i must have gotten my fill of crochet for a while after finishing the fairytale afghan from a few posts back!

It's terribly hot here. and so dry. My fingers and lips are splitting at the seams. The other day there was so much dust blowing in the air that we couldn't see the mountain and it looked like the sky itself had turned tan. I'm used to whiteout blizzards, but tanout sandstorms... not so much.

Tis good to be blogging again. I forgot how very enjoyable it was.

It's a pretty good life all in all.

peace out.


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