Thursday, June 16, 2011

One Year,Three Months, Four Days, Eight Hours, 28 Minutes

Ean Michael Kramer likes:

eating. stomping. being silly. making truck noises... or any noises at all. helping load the washer and "helping" fold clothes. ice cream. oatmeal, oatmeal and more oatmeal. melvin the koala. making faces. playing with mom's (or anyones) keys. all of his books (over and over), but especially his color book (a boy after his mother's heart). animals. being chased. dancing to rihanna, the eurythmics or most anything with a beat. toy cars. going places. his mommy and daddy.

and much, much more. pretty much life. he's got it so good... and doesn't know it... or does he?
I like to think he does. at least i want him to know how much he is loved.
loved to the moon and back.
and then back and forth again.

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