Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This was THE cutest most cuddley baby...*sigh*...I wanted to keep her...
Many games of 'around the world' were played...many times all the people playing could barely squeeze in around the table! it rocked!
Catch Phrase...what else?!?
"lost" in South Dakota...(thanksfully neither of us were driving! and we made it to our destination without sustaining any serious injuries.)

I love taking pictures in the car! ^_^

Checkerboard Men

Tae Kwon Do Test

Christian getting grilled by Master Chris...Mr. Jeff, Master Roy and Mr. Alex in background.
The people tested/testing...Michael and I already have our new belts...hence the ones round our necks...that is the extent of the pictures I have..and I obviously didn't take them...oh well...have to arrange better for that next time.

A pretty sweet front kick in Chip's pattern....and slightly blurry...*sadness*

"Watching" the tests going on...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My absolute favorite picture right now!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Please Please Please


Grandpa, almost 80, still young, great sense of humor, and good taste in sunglasses :-)
My Father...mid-serious-discussion
Tim and Jill
a very original Chip
I love my Grandpa
These fellas happened to be matching.
A huddle of ladies I found


All the wreaths I have made...including the bows...that's the fun part! ^_~One of the first I made and one of my favorites that sold almost right away at the holiday open house we had.

Ruth and I...twas rather intimidating when she asked me to make a thanksgiving centerpiece for her!...the one sitting closest to me is hers...and I guess it was ok! *wipes sweat from forehead*
This one was rather interesting...and you can't see, but the blooms are spilling from a cornucopia!
A Few of the other ones I made, sitting in the cooler ready for delivery!

Random Pics from Canada Trip

Going through customs back into America
Reading is what happens on trips...

I sign you don't see very often here in the States!...I love roundabouts
A random poster at Concordia...*shrugs*