Friday, April 08, 2011

WIP • Klimt Inspired Fairy-tale Blanket

mm. mm. good.

all my little circles... as of right now...

such a good feeling to finally see them all laid out.

coming together for real.

I cannot wait for this to make itself comfortable on my bed with Arizona morning sun spilling in all over it!

Will keep you posted!


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Hey Hey Everybody!

I have the urge to blog! Ta-Dah!

That's right. I obviously cannot drum this up on my own, it takes extra inspiration... (or maybe just enough months of cumulative silence so i know i can't possibly go over everything that's happened and I can simply make a fresh start of it!)...


here's a picture:

you couldn't have possibly thought it would be a picture of anyone or anything else did you?!


Arizona is still beautiful. I may or may not be saying the same thing in July.

We've been on the road for the three of the past four weeks. two of which we have spent in the same hotel and room even though the weekend in between we were in another hotel a hundred miles away. weird things happen. anyhow... waaaaaay to much time in hotels and restaurants for my taste! I'm a homebody thank you very much and come about 9 tomorrow i'll be gratefully galloping in that direction! thank the Lord!!!

in other news..

crocheting has totally taken over my artistic sensibilities for the moment. will probably be moving on as soon as i finish this fun project (it's a big one at that!):

I realize you can't really tell too much from this picture, but i happen to take a lot of pictures on my phone and sometimes forget to take comparable ones on my camera... so i'll try to put one up so you can have a better idea of the project as a whole.

Looking at the above picture again and thinking about a time when I was growing up and i'd look at pictures that other people/parents would take and/or post and was always surprised by the amount of pictures that had a laundry basket somewhere in them. I never understood this... until now! They are the most wonderful invention ever!... (except that they're so dang ugly. If anybody knows of something with the miraculous toting abilities of a laundry basket that also has aesthetic appeal, let me know!!).. so yeah. I use them for just about everything. and I'm sure you'll see other specimens from my growing collection of them soon enough :-)

Feels so good to be here.. i'm in such a good mood that i'll even post another picture!

This is my favorite "accidental magic" picture from March. Taken on top of a mountain on my baby boy's first birthday (the same day the top picture was taken on aforementioned mountain). Good times.


I missed you, bloggy-poo-land *sickening baby voice*.

Random ramblings time:

Tucson has a Savers!

The story Michael told me of a "jumping cactus" attacking him the other day had me in stitches... (don't worry he wasn't (seriously) injured)...

Does a parentheses in a parentheses work?

I hear toenails being clipped a room away *raised eyebrows*

Baby bear loved mushrooms and krab tonight. weird.

A tish homesick for my wonderful mum and dad and the craziest, cool brothers in the world (and those are just the ones at home).. I miss my whole family. a lot. *musing on what i or Arizona could possibly offer to get them here in the next... uh... year...*

anyway... if you're reading this and if you're directly related (or even if you're not), just know what my/our door is always open. really. anytime. We love visitors!

Alright, well... enough is enough. one last picture?... i think so...

so there you have it.

Tune in next time to see more of what Arizona has to offer... and possibly my current and future crochet projects!

Peace and love!

Abi K