Thursday, March 29, 2007

Abby has a new camera.

Abby is packing her clothes into a suitcase.

Abby is going to England.

Abby has a cheesy grin on her face.

Abby looks out the window to see a rainy day.

Abby loves her man.

Abby loves her family.

Abby is very blessed by God.

This Abby is happy.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Typical James (everyone in Bville knows him as "Crow")
Carrie and Erma.
I work mostly with Joelle, standing right about where this picture is taken from...she's pretty cool!

A view of the greenhouse

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The cat, Squishy and the tower he built for his "rainbow bear"
he was pretending to sing.
an ice covered window
snowy trees
one way I can tell someone has been doing push-up in my room. *grin* (not one handed push-ups...there was a reversed image about 18 inches to the left of this one.)
Latin class.