Monday, October 31, 2005

All Hallows Eve!

Michael (to me after first seeing me in my costume): "Abby...what are you supposed to be?"
Abby: Um....CRAZY!!
Michael: no, I mean with your costume!

Ha ha

Pocket gopher, and Mother Nature! They win the prize! Ze Gypsy, a very cool costume by the way Lib!....kinda sad, cuz I use some of those things on regular occasions! *pondering*
I have no idea what I am...but I kinda like the hairdo I came up bad the pictures is cut off and you can't appreciate my two different kinda of PINK shoes!
THE dude....and yes, that is an earring! Master of Disguise!
A something from the army.....I wonder if he knew that he had two different socks on?!? *wink*
Any name suggestion for the cutest martian in the world?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

PIctures! (of course!)

Look at these three little monkeys!!....not so little anymore I guess...Mike is almost as tall as me! and the others aren't far behind! YAY
Is it fall or what? ain't she perdy!
a new profile pic?

That's all folks!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 was time for another random picture post...this is "trying" to make up all the times I wished I could put pics on xanga, but couldn't at the time! more coming! enjoy!

underneath the pier in San Diego! I love the ocean!
a totally cool olympic TKD pic I found! the guy getting kicked was actually knocked unconscious!
Inga, with her "Queen of Sheba hat"! *wink*
Lewis and I!
moving????....would you trust them to move that heirloom table.....?
hanging out in the booth with the B's in our half built house....sometime last winter...
Last springs piano recital! went very well, everyone loves Dr. H!

Dad, being the wonderful doctor that he is!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

More Random Pictures

just a few more that I wanted to show y'all....comment if you visit here regularily! I would like to know who if anyone comes here! ttyl
I want to be here! ^
Libby and I created "Tanglewood" last year on the bulletin board outside Dr. H's office :-)
from the top of the lift....very scary up there! and then the wind started blowing....agggghh... as high as the hydraulic lift will go! that's Christian down below I believe.
At the main gym...I was tested first, and by myself! just a little nerve racking!
My cousin Jonathan fell asleep with the pillow up his shirt...I think he thought it made him look strong! *wink*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Apple Orchard Outing

High in an apple tree!
Down low in an apple tree!
Sisters! (who would guess?!?!)
The Exodus......from the Orchard

Monday, October 10, 2005

I have returned!

these pictures are all backwards, so start at the bottom if you please! Then followed the long trip the crowded suburban, where Anton and I sampled each others music, and I drank half a can of cream soda.....which I should not have done, since I promised myself never to drink pop again...but hey, there wasn't any water in the car and I was parched! anywhoo...enjoy the pictures!

The two red heads of the family! (on that side), and we aren't technically related *silly*...and remember...for my sake, that it was a long weekend! Victoria is beautiful as always!
Suzy and Victoria, my beautiful cousins! Tori spent the days with Michael and I she was unable to go to the conference since she had to take care of her daughter. We had many an interesting conversation, and a great time! thanks Victoria! (P.S. she is a red head also!!!)
very dark picture, but this is my cousin Anton. He, Suzy and I shared the very small back seat of their suburban on the way home...over three hundred miles...and yeah...we got just a LITTLE sore! *laughing* I love my cousins!!!!
Why do kids always have the same silly smile???
Sorry it's so blurry, I thought it was a good pic anyway!
Doulton is such a cutie! and he was being goofy!

It's a long story! *grin*
David is loves his little yellow car, and it was the scene of a couple brotherly spats!
Doulton, enjoying the fresh air!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

ok, so on my big post, the second picture down, is of my cousin Rob, and his wife Jody (she is the daughter of our old pastor, and they met and got married! awesome connections!) and their two sons David and Dalton. Well, we got a call from them a couple days ago, and they wanted Libby and I to go down to a conference with them, to watch the little boys!!! I am soo excited, the kids are soooo much fun!! as long as my nieces and nephews are so far away, second cousins work great! *grin* *wink*. They'll probably pick us up tomorrow, on their way through, I think my aunt and uncle, and other cousin and his wife are going down also! so it like a mini family reunion.....or something....and then we'll get back on Sunday evening.

Piano lessons this afternoon....I can't say I'm completely prepared for them...but oh well...I'll do my best! I still enjoy them, even if I haven't practiced a ton, cuz there's always more to learn, and Dr. H has much information, and is always interesting to listen to!

I think that is all, I better get back to my school here...algebra by the looks of it! and if you are reading this and you don't have a blogspot, you should get one! posting pictures on here is much easier than on xanga! no fear though, I'm not quitting xanga completely!

God Bless! <><


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Such a Mess

I am sorry for the disorder posted here, but at least there are some pics, most of them are self explanatory though....I'll try to post here more often...that is what I always say, and then three months later....oh well, I'll be seeing y'all soon!

The Abster

Life Is Crazy!