Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Today, I am Thankful For:

- Sleeping in until 7:45!
~ Morning snuggles with my babies.
- Bath time for littlest man.
~ Added incentive to clean a cupboard when a half jar of molasses leaked out overnight...
- Baby monitors (so I can run around outside with Ean while Felix naps).
~ Our friendly neighborhood exterminator. No more cockroaches! Or ants!
- Quiet time to do dishes while BOTH kiddos slept.
~ A little rest with baby boy before big boy awoke.
- Baby monitor again!
~ Rocks :)
- Crazy cool clouds.
~ The news that hubby is on his way home... And won't have to work again until Monday!
- A margarita and Lawrence Welk music to enjoy while cooking dinner.
~ Swing dancing with Felix to aforementioned music.
- Homemade turkey and wild rice soup.
~Welcoming my honey home.
- Dinner with Ean since Michael had already eaten and Felix was sleeping.
~ Walk in the desert with Ean.
- Resting my weary body in our cool house, feeding Felix while listening (through the window) to a toad hunt.
~ More dishes.
- Watermelon
~ Docfor Who. Season 2, Episode 1
- Couch cuddles with my love.
~ Sweet peaceful sleep.

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