Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Sweet Morning Smile

My baby wakes up early. Early for me/us/him is between 6 and 6:30 every morning and depending on what mommy and daddy did or didn't do the night before (i.e. watched psych until 1 am, decided it was high time to tackle the pile of dishes on the counter and deep clean the pots and pans cupboard at the same time, crochet/knit an inordinate amount of potholders/dishcloths/rows on a hat to finish before lights out... or maybe we were zonked after a long day of chasing little one around and tuck in at 9 pm...) when the time comes that our sweet little man is awake, he follows the routine that has now been set in place.

Every morning.

We hear his door knob jiggle, door rattles, opens, he exits and promptly closes the door. He doesn't appear around the corner. He is looking to see if anyone is up. Negative. Returns to room and closes his door. Silence.

15-20 Minutes later...

We hear his door knob jiggle, door rattles, opens, he exits and promptly closes the door. Appears in our doorway (usually with an animal or two in tow)... smiling. He waits.

One of us will either tell him to go back and play in his room for a little longer (if it is before 7 am). Or wave him in. The first command is met with a quiet obedience and he returns to his room where we can hear him playing (and he often turns on his favorite Winnie the Pooh songs on his cd player). The second one, when we say "Good morning" and tell him to "Come [s]nuggle with us" is always met with just the biggest smile you can possibly imagine.

That smile is sometime the very sweetest part of my day (if it turns out to be a rough one). I can always count on that smile... and I never want to forget it! He starts every day wanting to smile and snuggle... how do we ever say no...

oh yeah... because we were up too late...


Go to bed! Greet your little one with a smile in the morning! Maybe there won't be any more bad days!

Disgustingly optimistic, right? I know :-)

I like that about myself.

Enough for now.



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Labor Day Camping Trip

Happy Campers! (Photo courtesy of Daniel L)
Our site. Not included in this picture is the beautiful and lovely sounding stream that accompanied us as we talked, ate, slept and enjoyed the cool mountain weather.

Camping can be magical.

Our friend's little boy... or "Baby Bwuce" (Bruce) as Ean calls him :-) 
Heading off on a hike our first morning on the mountain.
Finding fresh, ripe raspberries growing wild on our hike = awesome!

This little boy was more than content to sit on this enormous stump and eat the raspberries we offered.

Bacon in one hand, a cinnamon roll in the other... the good life!
Bacon over a bonfire. Delicious! Lovely mornings (middays and evenings too) were spent around the fire. 

TINY mushrooms I found nestled in a patch of moss.  

A dark picture of me and the boy, but it's the only one... I like to spend my time behind the camera!

Yeah... my camera/photography skills cannot do flowers justice...

Evening hike to a developed campsite upstream from ours for the facilities :-)

Cool beetle Ean and I found.

I'm guessing a very poisonous (but pretty) heart-shaped mushroom.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012


Pure joy.

Mid-sneeze son.

Weirdos three.

Adorable beings.

Window "washer".