Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Things.

1. Colors fill my life... and my dreams... i'm sure i've seen a color there that did not have an earthly name.
2. Shoes and sleep are overrated.
3. Give me a bandana, holey jeans and great music and I'm sure I can accomplish anything.
4. I find freedom at the ends of sharpie markers and brushes loaded thick with paint.
5. Any game involving a ball means certain doom for myself and/or my team.
6. I doodle to think.
7. Dark chocolate is my [favorite] weakness.
8. I believe the greatest compliment is to be told I am "beautiful like a tree".
9. Daily, I drink about as much water as a 200 lb. pig (between 2 and 3 gallons).
10. Hair twirling happens...
11. I have spent an ungodly amount of time writing this up....
12. My morning alarm is for 7:17... only under dire circumstances do I actually get up then :-).
13. Food allergies complicate life.
14. Continually cold hands and feet are another reason to be thankful for my warm blooded husband.
15. Waking when it is dark and seeing the sun rise turns my stomach.
16. I <3 scarves.
17. Never been bored... not once in my life.
18. water (AWESOME) + color (AWESOME) = watercolor (Three of my favorite things... my kind of math!)
19. Thrift stores amaze me. every time.
20. If you are looking for the most amazing antique store in the world... come see me and I will take you there.
21. 12:34 is a good time. and 4:37 :-)
22. Dish washing has the power to sooth.
23. When I close my eyes, I see faces, colors, or lasers beams... and sometimes all three.
24. Wearing hats is almost a lost art.
25. I rejoice because I am done.

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