Thursday, March 29, 2007

Abby has a new camera.

Abby is packing her clothes into a suitcase.

Abby is going to England.

Abby has a cheesy grin on her face.

Abby looks out the window to see a rainy day.

Abby loves her man.

Abby loves her family.

Abby is very blessed by God.

This Abby is happy.


Xhavan said...

why are you going to England?

Ptáček said...

Havilah loves Abby.

Havilah is speechless (for once) because she isn't going to see Abby until she comes back. *sob*

Havilah demands that Abby put her beeeeeautiful new Camera to X-tra good use.

Havilah wishes Abby to have the most wunnerful time evah in England.

And Havilah thinks Abby bettah be careful cuz she thinks Abby looks SO amazingly like a terrorist that she'd better not get dropped into an English Gaol. (and yes Havilah *did* mean to spell it like that)


LoooooooooouuuuuuuvvvvaaaaaaE YOU!

Chxzanadeau said...

Ooooh, I like your camera! What kind *exactly* is it? I'm getting one too...I just haven't seen it yet...*waiting impatiently...*

I'm glad you are happy. That is always a good thing!

