Thursday, February 22, 2007

230th Blogspot Post

By a lake called "Ida"....there is a log cabin
in this log cabin is a carver...and has fellow carvers to this tool packed cabin on Thursday afternoons to keep him and each other company while they carve...

The Owner of this development is into carousel animals...and has posters and carvings of them everywhere you look.

Others choose more serene objects to etch into their chunk of woodlike a goose,
a turtle,

and a staff.....and others...simply rock in their yellow shirts and listen to Krystal Meyers and Rajaton while doing some avid watching.

and yes, I am thinking about a career as a tattoo artist. kidding!
a frosted bush branch I missed before that I liked too much to not put up.

don't even think about complaining how often I post...sheesh...


Hannah Hurd said...

absolutely loving the frequency of your posting lately, dahling, as well as the images therein. *smile*

keep it up!

Ptáček said...

psahw, frequency. you call *that* frequency?

naw, I'm just kiddin' ya knuckle head.

love all the pics!

Emma Rose said...

Yay, makes me happy to see somebody else mention Rajaton! :) Great, yeah? Have you heard their setting of "Were You There"? it's amazing.