Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A very old picture I found on mom's computer...it looks like part of the tree is growing upside down toward my mom...a rather precarious position on her part.

more later.



Nan, Rach, Lyd, Hav said...

well who would drink candles???

yay for more CO pics! fun-fun!

iv'e seen that pic before, i think dougy showed to me...:P

gotta love SC!

we have this one on our desktop that goes: the 1 chicken says tothe other chicken "i have an irrational fear of plaid" and the other chicken says " you should check that!" i mean how corny can ya get....booya!

love your Haircut! so, so cute!


Hannah Hurd said...

I was *just* about to drink a candle (because it's one of those bizarre things that people NEVER do), and I came to your blog and saw those big words.


Wow. *shakes head*

And I never told you, but I *always* wondered why I couldn't taste the outside of a banana peel...

You never cease to amaze me. *smiles* Thank you.

I wuuuuv you. Yots and yots.

Doug said...

I really love that lady on the log.

You have a grand blog.

Also, I love you.

Elk are people too. (yaa, right!)
