Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gypsy Livin'

We (my husband, son and I) were on the road/away from home every work week in June. We are finally home!!... for now. :-)

It was great to be somewhere new and have so many opportunities to see/do/try new things. When we have these trips to a place only three hours away, i still try to be as interested as I would be if I was visiting a place a thousand miles from home. Just because it's close doesn't mean you know a thing about it! Any quite honestly, i didn't! I hope to be able to learn new things about every place i visit in my life. There is such beauty in traveling. Always looking forward to doing more! How do you explore the places you visit/live? What are the most interesting things you have found?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Largest Telescope in the World

 The blue part below is six stories tall, the gray part is about ten and is home to the LBT (Large Binocular Telescope).
 This is a rendering and helpful when looking at the picture below, because is was impossible to get good pictures of such a massive piece of machinery/technology. Quite a humbling and awe-inspiring project (it is not quite finished to what you see in the picture, but they are able to use it and learn with it... further updates will only make their research easier and better)
This is just one of the mirrors used in the telescope. It is almost 30 feet across!! That hole you see in the middle is three feet wide.

My pictures do not do any sort of justice to this work of science/art/technology. It was a really wonderful experience!

Peace and love.


Abstract (and not) Arizona

Taken in Kearny, Arizona
Taken in Superior, Arizona
Taken in Miami, Arizona
Photo above and below were taken in Globe, Arizona

Sunday, June 03, 2012

June Beginnings

 Bunny watching.

 Beauty in barrenness.
 Ean LOVES to "hewp" us with just about anything. I love that about my baby boy!
 People say he has my eyes.... that's okay with me :-)
I bought the hat on the right years ago and have worn it thin, so I decided to try to copy it. Quite pleased with the result!

If the first 3 days are any indication, I think June is going to be a fabulous month.

 Don't you??

Peace and love.
