Thursday, June 02, 2011

This morning... i felt like i had it all under control. Everything was good and wonderful. Ean and i are a blue and white striped checkerboard (if you can picture it...), we spent time at the park, an hour at the library, picked up our 25 lb order of oatmeal from the heathl food store, etc... sometime during all that good, the smallest grain of sand must have shifted and Ean wouldn't eat his lunch (his favorite lunch in the world - oatmeal), he was terribly, terribly tired but didn't want to nap (though he did eventually), got a request for prayer that weighed on my spirit, i tried to knit, but failed five or six times at the very easiest bit i know, decided to put myself down for a nap and then the boy decided to wake up an hour and a half early from his nap screaming bloody murder for no apparent reason, so i soothed and comforted and eventually he was off and running again like a banshee. The man is home from work and is keeping Ean preoccupied and i am taking a much needed opportunity to stuff my face with chocolate chips (it happens to be the only chocolate in the house).

...ahh... the healing power of chocolate. I bask in it.

peace †

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